brdk: December 2009 Archives

17:47 Tomorrow


Mogli passes up a walk in the grass

Image by sgtret via Flickr

It isn’t quite winter yet. That begins tomorrow at 17:47 UTC. (That’s 5:47 PM in London.)

However, it would appear Winter decided to send a calling card prior to arriving. I look out the second story window of my office down onto the driveway where my car should be parked and see a pile of snow with an antennae protruding from it like a sapling freshly broken from the soil....

Note: Cross posted from SquareSpace.

At Eight PM Last Night

Note: Cross posted from Bell Tower News.

And Then I Rest

Image by sgtret via Flickr

In my youth I had an image of where I would be so many decades later, meaning at my age now.  I saw myself sitting in a high backed easy chair, by a fire, across from the missus, reading a good book....