brdk: August 2009 Archives

I know it’s only a day, but..

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Summer on the Estate

Image by sgtret via Flickr

There never was a summer vacation that I recall that ended while it is still August, but my son is expected at school tomorrow, August 31, 2009.

I know it’s only one day, but it is still August. 
I know there is the Swine Flu Thing, but it is still August.

It just doesn’t seem right. To me.  My son seems to care less. 

He is actually looking forward to going back to school.

What has happened to kids today???

Back in the day we would have organized committees, tacked signs to sticks, prepared safe houses and decided what to do if the police came. Now, they get on the bus, plug in their iPods, put on a happy face and go to school.

But, it’s still August!!!

LiveJournal Tags:

When Did This All Happen?

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Looking down at the application bar on my laptop, I see FeedDemon, Google-Chrome, RocketDock, TweetDeck and LiveWriter open.

A few minutes ago, I answered a Tweet on TweetDeck sent by an American expatriate in Dubai regarding Skype CSV – FSV transfer.  While I was sending it, in the News column I have on TweetDeck, a flash popped up about a building collapsing in Dubai.

Before the Gulf War it can honestly be said I never heard of Dubai.  I was still stuck on the Ottoman Empire and Lawrence of Arabia. Now here I am communication with someone there while almost simultaneously reading relatively local news about her home country.

While this is fascinating, in truth the laundry isn’t getting done, I haven’t finished a conversation with my family about a new car and it is past noon an I haven’t had a meal yet.

Granted, it is Sunday.

On a normal day, I would now be at work doing this or, more importantly, that. Still, shouldn’t Sunday’s be a day to chill from the cloud?  Perhaps but it won’t happen here any time soon!


August and March


A friend in Sonoma just commented on noticing how it isn’t as light now when she gets up at 0530.  Why she gets up that early in Sonoma escapes me, but I am sure she has her reasons....

Note: Cross posted from SquareSpace.