brdk: October 2009 Archives



The Flowers of Maine

We’re using Windows Live Writer for most of our blog posts.  Inserted into Live Writer we have the xPollinate plug in.  This plug in has primarily been used to post blog entries made in one Famous Grazing blog to the others in the series.

There are a few of these blogs we couldn’t connect with xPollinate. We’re going to try its feature to connect the stories to Posterous and Vox when we post this message to Random Grazing Space.


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Hold On Charlie!!!

Note: Cross posted from Grazing Press=.


When I write a blog entry I never expect anyone to read it.  That is why it was a total shock to find one I had recently written while in a philosophical mood on

It was seen by me as mostly an historical observation.  The almost instant remarks referring to me as a person of opposite political opinion of the commenter but using words that require the vocabulary of a school yard bully were a surprise to say the least....

Before We Start Posting in October

Note: Cross posted from Bell Tower News.

The local governing agencies have established new rule regarding the behavior of bloggers.

“No more Wild West” was one of the comments that drew out attention.

Over the Office Door

We will be reviewing this information.  At the time, being not affiliated much with anyone, we need to review our commenting policy to make sure it is with in the guidelines of the  the whims of the powers that be....